
Showing posts from July, 2018

Mystery Shopping

Mystery Shopping is a process in which a person visits retail store in order to measuring or judging the quality of customer service. Mystery shopping is done by a person who hired from a retail company to measuring the quality of it's customer service within store. The person who visits the store to check or measure the customer service is known as Mystery Shopper. After, the visit of mystery shopper he/she make a report on the basis of standard provided by retail company in order to measure their quality of customer service

Retail Advertising

Retail Advertising refers to the advertising of retail business. Retail Advertising is a means of communication between retailer and users/customers of a product or service. Retail Advertising is a method to communicate message from retailer to their customers about it's products or service. These messages are communicated by different methods of advertisement such as television, print ( newspaper, magazines, journals etc), radio, social media, direct selling, visuals and other.